Specific Time Management
Strategies for YOUR Circumstances
CEO's need different time management strategies than those with really
important careers - moms, and those they care for - students. Here are
specific strategies for your

Time management in the workplace needs to address hundreds or
even thousands of emails, telephone calls, meetings, deadlines and
shifting priorities. By following some simple strategies that really
work, you can stay on top of it all.
Time management for moms (and dads, of course) deals with
different challenges than in the workplace, although significantly more
important in my opinion. Often taking care of the house and children
leaves moms feeling totally overwhelmed and like they have to be
supermom - handling everything for everyone. I've put together the best
strategies for the most important job - managing the home.
Finally, students obviously have their own unique needs,
balancing studying and homework, friends, sports, helping around the
house, and so much else. Time management for students specifically
addresses these unique needs, giving you strategies to handle
everything coming at you.
That's what these pages are about....giving you specific
strategies for your circumstances. As
your read through the pages, please remember to share what works best
for you at the Contact
Us page.
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