How I learned so much about time management....
And how I created a
website about it.....

My name's Andy, and I live in Jacksonville, FL with my wife, daughter,
and our lovable labrador Kramer.
I learned so about time management for two reasons:
- Necessity
- A love for continuous learning and growing.
I mentioned on the home page, when I was in my twenties I was living in
Vail, CO and had my hands pretty full. I was constantly being
pulled in different directions between my family, running my tax and
accounting business, being involved in the community through Rotary,
keeping myself in shape, and occasionally trying to find some time to
Sound familiar?
I started creating this website to meet a third need: helping
others learn and grow...more about that in a bit.
a tax and accounting practice is a lot like juggling...constantly
keeping lots of balls in the air. I had to have a way to get
clients the information they needed, and ensure I met their deadlines,
and stayed up to date on the latest laws and rules, and marketed my
practice, and networked with other professionals...
You get the
picture....and that was just the professional side of my life.
I was just as busy, spending time with my family and friends, staying
in shape, skiing occasionally, managing our personal finances......
was completely stressed, and was looking for a way out....fortunately
answers were there for me....I just had to know where to look.
had been to Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within seminar a couple of
years before, so I already knew the power of focus and goal setting,
two of the most critical time management techniques I use consistently
to this day. What really made all of the pieces of my life
together was when I went through Tony's Time of Your Life program.
The first four days of the Time of Your Life helped me create
blueprint for me entire life, both personally and professionally.
mapped out all of the areas of my life both personally and
professionally, and created excited visions and roles for each area, so
that I actually wanted to spend time in each area.
What I
up with was not only a blueprint for my life, but a way of keeping
everything balances.
I no longer found myself spending too
time working with clients and neglecting marketing and networking; more
importantly, I no longer spent too much time focused on my professional
life, at the expense of my personal life.
I achieved something that I see so many people longing for:
good news was the I had a way of tracking all of the big items in my
life; the bad news was that sometimes the little things would still
slip by un-noticed.
Fortunately I discovered
Allen's Getting Things Done, aka GTD. Being a bottom up
GTD gave me the tools I needed to capture all of the little things that
came my way and to get them into my planning system, no matter where I
am or what I'm doing.
The combination of the two systems is
powerful: I have a blueprint for my life, a system
for staying
balanced, and I have a way of capturing everything that comes my way,
knowing I never have to worry about forgetting things or accidentally
dropping them out, no matter how busy I get.
A huge step forward
of the areas that I'd previously ignored before having a way of staying
balanced was health and fitness. Since I knew the power of
and the power of goals, I knew I could turn myself around with a strong
enough vision, and boy did I. What does this have to do with
Stick with me....you'll see the connection
Back in 2005 I set two goals that were completely
ridiculous at the time: I said I would do a marathon within
year, and an ironman triathlon within five years. I had no
what I had just committed myself to.....
Two things happen after setting a goal:
1. Resources show up
2. Challenges show up
a marathon training plan was the easy part. Finding the time
train for a marathon was the hard part. The training plan I
to follow had me running 4 days per week, plus two days of cross
Thank god I already had my time management systems
place, and had so many fantastic time management techniques at my
disposal...I had no problem fitting in all of the training.
Sure enough, less than a year after setting my goals, I had finished
my first marathon.
the bigger goal of doing an ironman triathlon presented some new
challenges.....for starters I was a horrible swimmer, and the ironman
starts out with a 2.4 mile ocean swim.
My training moved up
to a
whole new level: swimming with a coach two days a week, plus
more swims on my own, running three days per week, biking three days
per week.
I was right back to one big juggling act....keeping
all of the balls in the air. There's no way I could have
any of it without all of the techniques keeping me effective and
efficient, and the systems keeping my on track, making sure nothing got
dropped out.
The Beginning of a Website
I blogged about
the last six months of my ironman training using blogspot. I
blogged about it for my friends and family to keep up with the
craziness of training for an ironman, as well as to give others a
resource if they were thinking about doing an ironman. The
was also a great resource for me to keep up with my progress.
It's so easy to lose track of how far we've come without
something objective to look back on.....I'm sure you've experienced
that in your own life.
After the ironman, I decided that there
was so much valuable information in my blog, that I wanted to both
share it with anyone who was interested, and to find a way to make an
income from it. A very successful webmaster recommended I use
Build It to turn my experience into a profitable online
You're probably asking how I ended up creating a time management
website, when I wanted to create a website on ironman training...
The secret a profitable website
reason most people fail at making money from their website or blog is
simple: not enough traffic. You can have the best
and information in the world, but if there aren't enough people
interested in your topic, there are already too many people
writing about it, or even worse, if both problems exist, your chances
of earning income are very limited.
As I quickly found out while researching Site Build It, no matter what your passion you
can create a profitable website, as shown by these case
studies on virtually every type of situation, including Work
at Home Moms, Real
Estate Agents, Students,
everything else imaginable.
Site Build It demonstrates
the entire process from start to finish, and saved me from making a
potentially huge mistake. Using Site Build It's research
tools, I
quickly realized that the interest in information on ironman training
was rather limited, and there were already plenty of people writing
about it.
So instead of pursuing something that was all but
to fail, I used Site Build It's Brainstorming tools to evaluate other
ideas that could be profitable: ideas that were in high
The process is simplified to such a degree that success (i.e.,
profits, not the mere presence of a Web site) is achievable even for a
beginner like me. For an experienced person, achieving success is even
The 10
Day Action Guide presents a step-by-step process,
presented in both
written and video formats. All you have to do is follow
it. SBI!'s
guided approach helps you reach your goals.
SBI! removes the technical barriers allowing you to keep your attention
on building your business. Many functions are completely automated. You
don't need to know anything upfront about building a Web site in order
to succeed. The tedious, "under-the-hood" stuff is handled
automatically so you can focus on other important business-building
Page creation is as simple as riding a bike with its training wheels
still attached. No need to know HTML. The block-by-block builder trains
you how to write a page that is both "Search Engine and human
effective." It's simple, do-able and most importantly, effective
The block-by-block builder is perfect for beginners, but
even many "advanced" users should start with this tool. It's an
excellent way to break bad habits!
You learn to "get it right" quickly (or correct bad habits) so you can
focus on other traffic-building strategies. (These are also easily
mastered due to "automation-and-process.")
Getting Started
Take a look at the SBI
Video Tour (or the Quick
Tour if you're on dial-up) for an overview of how it works,
and what you can
expect to achieve. If you still have questions, Site Build It
even has a dedicated
group to help.
SBI! has a no-risk, 30-day money back guarantee. It's a
risk-free decision that you can make with confidence and peace of mind.
If you're looking for a way to turn your interest or passion into an
income stream, look no further....You've found it.
Why don't we do business with people we know and trust? Most of us would like to, but we can't always tell who to trust. When things like the Site Build It Scam Google bomb exists in search engine results, information is distorted. Follow that link to learn about online smear campaigns, a real life character assasination.
In ten years you will surely
arrive. The question is where.
Make sure you're taking the actions today that will get you to where
you want to be.
