by Jackie
(South Carolina)
Ever wondered why there aren't 25 hours in a day? Or why the nights couldn't be just half an hour longer? Or where does the time vanish?
We all go through time management crisis at one time or another. Just like everyone has their own time issues to deal with, everyone has their own unique solutions to the problem as well.
As far as I am concerned, I have a simple and easy solution. I make sure that I get up early in the morning. No matter how late of a night I've had, I ensure that I jump out of bed at sharp seven in the morning. I don't press the snooze button and I never shut my alarm and doze off again. Even if I am drop dead tired, I splash my face with cold water and go make myself a strong cup of black coffee.
I just feel there are more hours in a day when you wake up early. No matter how many chores you do, you still seem to have some time left over. You get that leisurely time to paint that shed, finish that photo album, watch an old classic or call a dear friend to snuggle for a heart to heart.
I believe that there is no need to read time management books or attend expensive seminars, one just needs to be a little sensible about these things. Prioritize your tasks for the day into four or five main categories. My categories are usually; extremely important, pending for a long time, can wait till tomorrow, can wait for a week, and easily avoidable.
I then do what I feel needs to be done immediately. This way my work gets done, nothing gets overlooked and I still have time left over.
Another rule that I always follow is to give myself one hour in a day. This one hour is me-time and I let no one steal it from me. Its then on my preference how I spent it. Sometimes by taking a walk, going shopping, catching up on old correspondence, calling a friend over for tea or going to the movies.
I can say my time management techniques work well because my jobs get done, my house is immaculate and I also keep myself content.