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Do you have SMART goals? If you’re going to invest the time and energy into setting goals, why not get the most out of them?  

This is a perfect example of Pareto Analysis, aka the 80 20 rule, in action. Assuming you've already gone through the goal setting process and know your top one year goals and why you want them - making some small revisions can lead to big results.  

You'll certainly want to apply this to your longer term goals too.

SMART Goals is an acronym for:SMART Goals
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Actionable
  • Relevant
  • Time Bound
I'm going to add one more criteria - stated in the positive.  Use one of the most important time management techniques, Focus on What You Want, and use the law of attraction to your benefit, instead of to your detriment.

Grab your goals and let's see if they're SMART goals right now:
  1. Are your goals stated in the positive?  There's a big difference in a goal of losing weight, and a goal of weighing            pounds with           % bodyfat.  By focusing on what you want, you're more likely to be drawn to it.

  2. Are your goals specific?  So many people set a goal of having more money.  Make your goals specific.  I want to earn $           this month, year, etc.  Or I want a net worth of $          .  Or similar to above, I want to weigh            pounds with           % bodyfat, and have outstanding health, fitness, energy and vitality.  See the difference?

  3. Are your goals actionable?  There's no sense in setting a goal that you can't actually take action on....enough said on this one.....

  4. Are your goals relevant?  Do your goals fit into what you really want for your life? Setting a goal of getting SCUBA certified probably isn't going to be relevant if you don't live near the water and you hate to travel.  Make sense?

  5. Are your goals time bound?  If you're reviewing your one year goals, did you add a date you'll achieve it by?  Same goes for your longer term goals.
If you're like most people, you probably learn best by example.  Suppose one of your goals is improved health (and I hope at least one of your goals is).  

How could you make this a SMART Goal? How about something like:

Weigh 170 with 10% bodyfat and outstanding health, fitness, energy and vitality by July 31, 2009.

It's stated in the positive, specific, measurable, I can act on it, it's relevant, and it has a time frame.  Perfect.

Now it's your turn....at a minimum review all or your top one year goals from the goal setting process and turn them into SMART goals.....if you're an over-achiever, then I'm sure you're already a step ahead and are doing this with your long term goals too.

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